Now Playing: Shaun on TV last night
Topic: reviews
Nov 19, 2008
After all the weeks of waiting, I had the feeling that Shaun didn’t really WANT to do this segment. His Brothers, Ryan, Patrick & David & mother were interviewed extensively, as was David Joliffe (who reminisced on the touring), Parker Stevenson (remembering the Hardy Boys), a Rolling Stones writer, a TV analyst, & his current producing partner, David Eick. Shaun is only quoted in stock footage from the 70’s.
The first half hour concentrated on his Hardy Boys & recording career. Stock concert footage & stills are repeated throughout- after a while, I didn’t have to take TV shots because I had them.
The second half was his stage & TV career. For some strange reason, they claim he started his “dramatic career” with Breaking Away, totally omitting Like Normal People. They even mention his guest spots on Murder She Wrote & General Hospital instead of it. Then they move on to his stage career, from Mass Appeal to Bus Stop, but very few publicity photos from the shows themselves.
The last part was his producing career, mentioning Roar, American Gothic & Cover Me. There was stock footage of him on the set & at the word processor, which I recognized from ET & Extra, I thought for sure that they would have interviewed him for this segment, but again, David E & his family took over. At least they included some new photos of him, his sons, Jake & Juliet, & Tracy, & mentioned a new child is due next year. It also mentioned Ruby briefly & Shirley hinted that she’d like to be involved as a “grandmother!.”
Shaun’s marriage with Ann was touched on briefly, and, like David’s relationship with Meryl, his marriage to Susan was not mentioned. I would have liked to have contributed some of my theater photos for that section. I would also like to see more of Shaun in current interviews. However, it is great to see Shaun’s name back in the spotlight again, and with Ruby & the Rockits on the horizon, I hope this leads to more positive press.