Where do I begin? We got on the road to Primm about 9 am. Just as we were coming onto the 15, we saw posters for up-coming
Primm concerts, I thought for sure that David's had been taken down, but just past the biggest thermometer in the world,
there He was!!

We checked into the Primm Valley resort at noon, & with our room key was a letter about a meet and greet & if we
had any questions to contact the casino host. Well, I went there & he said he didn't arrange that & I should contact
the entertainment department. I called there & left a message to call me on my cell (she never did call). There were
posters of David up all over the casino, including over the slots. I liked the photo they used.

Then we headed for the box office & picked up the ticket, Turns out I was on the wrong aisle of the section, but
at the end of the row close to the door.
I went back up to the room after losing about $5 at the penny slots, & rested. I was too excited to eat, so I
had a meal on the go bar & some water & rested.
At 6:30, I got ready, changing into a turquoise t-shirt with I THINK I LOVE YOU written across it in yellow & black
trousers, & my mom got a wheelchair to take me back to the theater. While we waited for the doors to open, mom played
the slots & we listened to the band in the lounge,
When the doors opened, I was let in first. I watched the crowd trickle in -- the floor looked full, but there were
plenty of seats open at the sides & behind.
Then, I spotted Frank, the bass player, & was struck with a flash of inspiration;I decided to give him a copy of
my newsletter & see if he would allow me to join the M&G. I went to the barricade set up around the technical equipment,
& waved to him. He seemed to recognize me, & I showed him my newsletter & explained how I ran the fan club &
would it be possible to see David to get a few new photos for the newsletter?
He conferred with the security guys, & one of them told me that he would take me up at 7:30, if I would wait by
the stairs. It was 7:20, so I said thank you, straightened my hair, freshened my lipstick & (for good measure) popped
a breath-mint!
The guard met me & took me up, where I met other people with laminated passes. I was the first one through the
door of the lounge, where a buffet was set out. There was David, who spotted me first & greeted me with a "hi, sweetie!",
with that famous Cassidy grin.

The woman in charge had a camera to take photos of us with David (we couldn't use our own cameras, although we could
take candid shots later. As I stood next to David, I said, "you smell soo good, what cologne do you use?" He kind
of stuttered a bit, then admitted he couldn't remember. He said the past 3 days were the toughest he could remember &
he had to still warm up & do some stretches before the show, so no autographs were signed.
After he left, I asked the woman in charge how to get copies of the photos & she said the Casino host would have
them in a few days & that they would contact me. I told her this wasn't arranged through the Casino, & gave her a
copy of the newsletter (luckily, I'd brought several) so she would be able to reach me --I also e-mailed the host directly.
On my way back to the seat, I thanked Frank & the Security Guard again for their help.